Sunday, November 25, 2007

Rough Couple Of Weeks

So if the whirlwind trip to Seattle wasn't stressful enough, it turned out the week between the wedding and the CA reception was just as crazy. Both Chris and I had at least two to three midterms, I caught a nasty intestinal virus (with bad nausea) and ended up paying a midnight visit to the ER. (It wasn't a big deal, they just shot me up with morphine and sent me home.) Then there were some last minute changes to traveling so instead of driving we flew to CA which turned out to be a good thing! Instead of relaxing in CA we ended up helping with the reception and catching a cold from my lil' bro right when we both recovered from last week's illnesses. We also had to deal with some high strung people which made it all the more stressful.

The good side was, Chris and I were well enough to enjoy ourselves silly at the reception. We were the only few people dancing all night. The reception was beautiful and Jon and Aubrey were happy. Finally, we got to see family and Eric and Sharn came down for a couple a days for Thanksgiving! (Sorry Eric and Sharn that I was sleepy/sleeping most of the time!)

So now we're back at home. I'm recovering starting with thirteen hours worth of sleep last night. (I hadn't had the chance to really rest till then.) Our kittens are happy to see us and I think we're finally on the road to recovering/catching up. Chris and I think we need a vacation from our vacations. The last two were more stressful than just staying at home!


Avatamsaka Monastery Choir said...

Icky :( Sounds nasty... glad to hear you're feeling better now though! Don't forget about your flu shots this winter! I'm getting mine next week... another benefit of working in healthcare!

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