Saturday, June 9, 2007

Masters Degree, here I come...?

YAY!!! I TOOK THE GRE TODAY!!!......I mean...YAY!!! I took it so I don't have to take it again!!! YAY!!! It's over!!!

Actually it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Took a good chunk of the day though, I went in at about 11:45 in the morning only to emerge from that test-happy place at three. I was sooo hungry afterwards! But hey! I'm one step closer to grad school, oh...closer to hopefully a masters degree. =)

I was celebrating though, YAY!!! I don't have to study for the summer again!!...oh wait, I still need to do my independent study for Math 101...dang it!


Sharn Woo said...

I thought your Math 110 independent study was preparation for the GRE?? So when do you get your results? Congrats on completing it!

Avatamsaka Monastery Choir said...

Yay! Congrats! What do you ideally want to do your grad work in?

Avatamsaka Monastery Choir said...

Speech pathology? Cool, sounds really interesting! Hopefully you can get a grant or scholarship to help with the tuition fees. Good luck!